Monday, June 27, 2011

"You can bring your cookbooks if I can bring my commentaries."

That's the kind of bargaining you can hear at our house right now.  We're trying to pack all our stuff into two minivans.  Our key word is RUTHLESS!  If we haven't used it in years - trash it!  If it's still in good condition - donate it to the rescue mission!  If we think someone else will appreciate it - give it away!

Please pray for us, we're leaving in 24 hours.

boxes, boxes, boxes


  1. We are doing the same thing...just wait until you are packing for Tanzania! If you have questions about Dallas let us know :)

  2. Haha! Love it! Love YOU guys!

  3. wish I could be there to help!

  4. oh guys!!!! We hear you on this one!!! Praying that God will give you the grace you need to get through this hard part!!!
