Friday, October 12, 2012

new adventure - how to kill a snake

We love the Tanzanian attitude toward snakes: kill first, ask questions later.

On this particular day the guard spotted two vine snakes in the trees.  Can you see them?

Look closer...

See it yet?

And finally, the guard hit the snakes with his stick and then crushed their heads under his boot.  (Sounds Biblical doesn't it??)  One of the snakes had recently eaten a lizard.  How did that big lizard fit into that skinny snake?!

On a different day, Jeannette saw a guard kill one of these snakes with his slingshot.  Vine snakes are highly venomous but thankfully they are not aggressive.  Vine snakes have "back fangs" so they would need to gnaw on you for a while before they could inject their venom.  Still, I'm glad they are dead.  They were very close to the path where the children walk everyday.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing how hard they are to spot. I am glad they are dead too.
