Saturday, June 14, 2014

Top 10 ways you know you're a missionary kid

If you're wondering....

Here are the top 10 ways you know you're a missionary kid. (or at least a Gerth missionary kid living in Tanzania)

#10 you can greet people in at least three languages

#9 at your friend’s birthday party you’re the only person from your home country

#8 you don't feel safe sleeping at night unless you're under a mosquito net

#7 every time you get sick you assume you have malaria

#6 you lost your baby teeth on two continents

#5 you call every old woman "grandmother" but you only see your real grandma on skype

#4 you catch lizards and kill bugs with your bare hands
#3 you understand the four main food groups to be rice, fish, beans, and mangoes

#2 you've collected 429 soda bottle caps as toys

.....and the #1 way you know you're a missionary kid......

#1 you don’t remember the last time you wore tennis shoes


  1. tennis shoes? what are those!?? Oh, the things you wear that cover your feet when you go to Nairobi! That's right. I remember. Wait, they're called what again? (real conversation with an MK...)

  2. Pretty true for our kids in Congo! I've also toilet trained kids on 3 different continents...and my oldest is only 7.
