Friday, May 29, 2015

In the shade of the holy tree, we heard about the Creator God

Welcome to the village of Nyamuswa, in Ikizu territory. Ikizu is one of the languages we work with in our office.
Yesterday we dedicated the book of Genesis in the Ikizu language!!

This was a big day for the Ikizu translators. They have been working on Genesis for over three years.

Many Ikizu people gathered under the shade of the holy tree called "Omong'we."

It was a joy to see Ikizu people reading and listening to Genesis in their own language.

From old men.... young people... small children, they all heard about Yahweh, the Creator God.

Please pray with us that the Ikizu people will read God's Word and seek Yahweh, the true and living God.

Pray that the Word of God would spread among the Ikizu people.


  1. Beautiful! I'm wondering what percentace of the people in your immediate area are Christians.

  2. According to one resource, our area is divided equally between Christianity, Islam and traditional African religions. I think in reality you would see quite a difference between religions practiced in town and those practiced in the villages.
