Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Typesetting the book of Ruth

Hey everybody, I just completed my first official typesetting project! It's the book of Ruth in the Manda language of Tanzania. There are about 43,000 Manda speakers and they live in the southern part of Tanzania. They love their language, and they're excited to have God's Word in their own language.

The book of Ruth is usually one of the first books that we print in a new project. It's a great place to start because it's a short story and everyone can relate to it. It also becomes a great tool for the Literacy department to use as they teach people how to read and write their language.

So I typeset the book of Ruth. First, I prepared multiple different formats for the team to consider. One of them had justified text, another had ragged right text. We discussed where the book introduction should occur. Stuff like that. After the team settled on a general format, I inserted illustrations, captions, footnotes, page numbers, copyright information, title page, etc. I tried to make everything clear and easy to read.

Now the Manda people have the book of Ruth in their own language! Thank you again for your partnership in this ministry. We couldn't do this without you. Thank you!

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