Friday, August 9, 2024

Adventure in Tanzania!


Hi friends,

Ben is back home again safe and sound!

Thank you for your fervent prayers during Ben's trip to Tanzania.

His adventure began with 23 hours of flight time over 6 different flights and then a 3 hour car ride until he arrived in the town of Musoma, which is where we lived in Tanzania. He was able to participate in the New Testament dedication celebrations for the Kwaya, Jita, and Zanaki New Testaments. He also reconnected with old missionary friends and many Tanzanian colleagues. It was a busy, exhausting week, but we thank God that he kept Ben healthy the entire time. It was a joy to see the forces of darkness being pushed back by the light of truth, faith, and love as people read God's Word in their own language for the first time EVER! We also thank God for how he sustained Jeannette and the kids back home while Ben was away.

Stay tuned for more detailed updates about each of the three celebrations that Ben attended.

Thanks again for your prayers and your partnership in this kingdom ministry.


Ben and Jeannette and family

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