Wednesday, January 19, 2011

the 9

In Tanzania, we will be working with mother-tongue speakers from 9 different language groups.  The languages are related but still distinct enough to need their own separate Bible translations.  They are: Ikizu, Ikoma, Kabwa, Kwaya, Jita, Ngoreme, Simbiti, Zanaki, and Zinza.  These languages are spoken by over 800,000 people in the Mara region of northwest Tanzania.

Ikizu - 132,000 people

The Ikizu people were concerned that their culture would die out as young people leave the village...but now with Scripture written in their language their culture is preserved.

Ikoma - 36,000 people
 The Ikoma people worshipped the tusks of an elephant...but now are being saved as they read God's Word.

Simbiti - 98,000 people

The Christmas story (Luke 1+2) has been translated into the Simbiti language and people can purchase copies for $.30 (US) or 400 shillings.

Stay tuned for more stories....

(resources: and

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