Thursday, April 5, 2012

Shepherding a Child's Heart for the third time

Jeannette and I just finished our third read-through of the book Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp.  We read it once after Kara was born, again after the twins were born, and now after Jenna was born.  Every time we read it we apply the biblical principles to new parenting situations because every kid is different and every kid is at different stages of growth.

My favorite part of this book is its focus on the gospel.
Keeping the gospel in focus, you see, is more than helping our children know forgiveness of sin through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. In the gospel there is the promise of internal transformation and empowerment. The grace of empowerment to live is found in the gospel. The gospel enables you and your children to face the worst in yourselves - your sin, your badness, and your weakness - and still find hope, because grace is powerful (xxii).
I also appreciate the author's recognition of the Holy Spirit.
It is obvious that internalizing the gospel requires the work of the Holy Spirit in the child. No parent can do that work; nor can you produce it through your labors (198).
And instead of causing us to give up trying, this truth actually stirs us to greater hope.

While you dare not presume upon God's sovereign mercy, you may labor with expectation that the gospel is powerful (198).
Please pray for us that we would continue to share the gospel consistently with our children.  Pray that they would see the gospel in our love for them.  Pray that they would see the gospel in our marriage.

1 comment:

  1. Always love your posts. Your family is SO precious!! Thank you for being an encouragement and a light in this world. We are praying for your family!
