Thursday, October 23, 2014

First John, first edition

Very exciting! The Jita people can now read the letters of 1 John, 2 John and 3 John in their own language!

Jita translators Magesa and Neema translating 1 John into the Jita language
I really love the letters of John. They're packed full of wonderful gospel truth. And now the Jita people can enjoy the letters of John as much as I do.

For example, Jita people can know that God will forgive their sins when they repent.
1 John 1:9 Tari, araabha chikata ebhibhiibhi bhyeswe, Nyamuwanga kaachifwira echigongo ebhibhiibhi bhyeswe na okucheesya obhujabhi bhwone, kwa okubha omwene ni omwiyikanyibhwa ka wone ni omurengeresi.
They can know that God loves them and that God sent Jesus to die as the atoning sacrifice for their sins.
1 John 4:10 Rinu niryo eryenda, jitari ati, eswe chaatangatire okwenda Nyamuwanga. Tari omwene niwe :aatangatire okucheenda eswe. Niyo isonga ^naatuma Omwana waaye, abhe echoogo echa okusoosya‑wo ebhibhiibhi bhyeswe na okuchigwatanya na Nyamuwanga.
Now the Jita people can know God's command to love one another because God is love.
1 John 4:7-8 Abheendwa bhaani mu‑riikirisya, cheendane, kwa okubha eryenda erisooka ku‑Nyamuwanga. Omuunu woonewoone unu keenda abheejaabho, ni omwana owa Nyamuwanga, ka wone niwe kaasombookerwa Nyamuwanga. Nawe omuunu woonewoone unu atakwenda abheejaabho, atakusombookerwa Nyamuwanga, kwa okubha Nyamuwanga ni eryenda.
And now the Jita people can rejoice in the assurance that they have eternal life if they believe in Jesus.
1 John 5:13 Enibhakaamira inyarubha inu, emwe bhanu omwikirisya risiina erya Omwana owa Nyamuwanga, korereki mumenye ati muri na obhuwanga obhwa akajaanende.
And of course, we can't forget 2 John and 3 John. You should read them sometime. They're very interesting and very relevant for the church today.

Please pray with us that the Jita people will trust Jesus as their Savior and love one another.

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