Monday, August 1, 2011


Let me introduce you...this is Head Brrrrr. 

This little creature monopolized my morning (this is Jeannette by the way).  I was peacefully getting ready for the day in my bedroom when I heard blood-curdling screams coming from our girls' room.  Of course, my heart began to race and I ran as fast as I could into their room.  These were not just whines or the normal selfish cries that so often grace our home.  They were the cries that make you think that blood must be involved and perhaps a rush to the ER is in order.  Well, there was no blood.  Kara and Ellie were frantically telling me that they had just seen the, and I quote, "biggest bug they had ever seen!"  I've heard about the scary huge bugs that live here in Texas.  I've heard that cockroaches are a norm around here, and not just little cockroaches but HUGE ones that like to chase you.  Thankfully I haven't come in contact with any of these little, or big, guys as of yet, and I'm quite ok with that!  I must admit that as soon as I heard the word bug I too was up on Kara's bed feeling a bit frantic myself.  When I realized how pitiful I must have looked and remembered that I am the parent who needs to help my girls overcome their irrational fear of bugs I calmly and confidently got off the bed and began hunting for the mystery monster bug.  He was no where to be found.  Kara insists that the bug was a HE due to his terrifying nature!  Girl bugs would never be that scary :)  I safely removed the girls from the room (felt a bit like I was blocking off a crime scene) and began our day.  Every so often I would go back into the room and search for our new "friend".  As I was talking with the kids about the mornings' events we rememberd a verse that we have been memorizing together.  Psalm 56:3 says "When I am afraid I will trust in God."  Very applicable, don't you think?  Kara agreed and we talked about how we could trust that God is our protector and that we do not have to be afraid.  This same God who sovereignly protects us created this bug.  We then spent some time talking about how amazingly creative our God is and how bugs really are quite fascinating...we just don't like them in our bedrooms :)  We prayed and thanked God for being Creator God and that we can trust Him because He is everywhere present and watches over us because He loves us.  Amazing how this creature, who I hadn't seen yet, drew us to worship our Creator.  Naturally, the next step was to name our new house guest.  We like to name things in our family...plants, cars, why not bugs?  Kara thought Head Brrrr would be a good name.  She made it very clear that Head is his first name and Brrrrr is his last name.  Not sure why, but "Head Brrrrr" he was.  I went in one last time to search for our new friend and this time was successful.  I admit, I had secretly hoped that he wouldn't make his appearance until Ben got home from school, but I guess God wanted me to practice what I was preaching to my frightened little girls. 

Well, Head Brrrr was pretty big, but he was just a great big cricket-like grasshopper thingy which wasn't scary at all.  Wow, what a morning.  I brought him out of the room after repeatedly whacking him with Ben's big shoe and put him on the kitchen floor for the kids to look at.  Luke informed us that if he would have been there he would have gotten that big bug!!  He loves to be the hero, just like his daddy.  Now Head Brrrr is dead and in a plastic baggy for all to look at and be reminded of our eventful morning.  Luke loves it.  The girls, not so much.  But Head Brrrr is a good reminder of our sovereign creator and protector who is everywhere present.

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